TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes 20Kg
TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes 20Kg
TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes are an excellent highly digestible fibre source with added ingredients to allow a little muscle development and function. They are ideal for Good-Doers because they have a DE of only 9MJ/kg and when soaked they are a perfect hay replacer for elderly horses and ponies. ‘Non-Heating’.
These should be thought of as exceptionally good quality high fibre cubes, ideal for good-doers or as a hay replacer. We find that 1kg of FibrePlus Cubes will replace 2kg of meadow hay for most horses.
FibrePlus Cubes are designed to be added to a TopSpec Feed Balancer or supplement and therefore contain no added vitamins or trace-elements. That is why we call them a ‘blend,’ because they are a blend of straight raw materials rather than a complete feed. One of the ways in which they are superior to most straights however, is that they have been supplemented with the major minerals calcium, sodium and magnesium.
They are formulated without the use of any cereal grains and are very low in sugar and starch, resulting in a ‘Non-Heating’ formula. Soya and linseed are added to support muscle function and repair. This helps to avoid the ‘fat but not fit’ situation which often occurs when good-doers are fed low quality high-fibre cubes, which often contain large quantities of alkali-treated straw. We guarantee that no straw is included in these cubes.
FibrePlus Cubes are an excellent highly digestible fibre source for all horses, with added ingredients to gently promote muscle development and function. They can be fed dry or soaked in cold or warm water for about 20 minutes to reach the desired consistency. Soaking is helpful for elderly horses, horses with problem teeth and horses that bolt their feed. Feeding FibrePlus Cubes helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
The typical ingredients in TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes are high fibre oat-by product, wheatfeed, grass, soya bean meal (GM), linseed expeller, unmolassed beet pulp, molasses, mineral premix, soya hulls (GM).
Oil 3.5%; Protein 12.0%; Fibre 20.0%; DE MJ/kg 9.0; Starch 9.0%; Ca 1.2%; Mg 0.4%

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