Wedge-shaped roots with smooth white skin and flesh. Popular variety, has some resistance to canker.
Outdoors: Simply make a 'drill' where they are to crop, 1.5cm (½") deep, directly into finely-prepared, light, fertile soil. For ease, secure one end of the tape with a large stone or cane, roll out the tape into the drill and gently pull tight to straighten. Cover tape with fine soil. Allow 40cm (16") between rows. Keep moist. Early sowings may benefit from cloche protection. Thin to 20cm (8") apart. Keep well watered during dry spells, as this will prevent roots from splitting. Sowing the individual tapes at three to four week intervals will ensure a continuous supply. Harvesting: leave roots in the ground until required, as they improve after exposure to autumn frosts. Harvest alternate parsnips, leaving other roots to develop. Remove soil and store in dry sand. Parnsips are also ideal for deep freezing.
The removal of as many stones as possible from the soil will help to ensure a blemish-free crop of parsnips.