Very spicy and bursting with rich fruity flavour. Plants are compact and busy, producing masses of colour due to the high yields of colourful fleshy fruits. It’s a hot mix of chilli peppers and ideal for Asian, Chinese and Indian style cooking.
Suitable for pots and containers, it will grow outdoors but crops best in a greenhouse.
Sow & Grow:
For greenhouse crops, sow indoors: 0.5cm(¼in) deep, thinly in a tray of compost. Water well and place in a warm position. A temperature of 15-20°C (60-68°F) is ideal. Keep moist.
Seedlings usually appear in 7-21 days. Transplant to individual pots when large enough to handle. Grow on in cooler, but not cold conditions. Plant out to large pots, growing bags or greenhouse border.
Outdoor crops, can be grown in mild areas, delay indoor sowing until March or April. Gradually accustom plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out 40cm(16in) apart, when frosts are over. Choose a warm, sunny sheltered spot.
Crops will be smaller and later than those in a greenhouse.
Caution: Can irritate eyes and skin.
Hints & Tips:
Select larger and smaller seedlings to grow on, in order to get a good mix of colours.