Halloween heads pumpkin fun seed by Mr. Fothergill's. Carve into heads for Halloween. Eat the flesh in pies.
CAUTION: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Adult supervision recommended. Seeds and plants are best treated as potentially harmful unless they are known to be edible.
Useful Information: Vitamin A; Fun seed
Sow and Grow: Sow indoors, April-May. Put 1 or 2 seeds, 1.5 cm (1/2-inch) deep, in pots of seed compost. After a few weeks, when the seedlings are growing strongly, place them outside for a few hours during the day (avoid frosts). Plant out in the garden, late May to June. Or, sow outdoors, May-June, where they are to crop. Allow 1 m (40-inch) between plants. Pinch out the very tip of the plant to help contain its size, once 4 fruits have started to grow. Water regularly. Harvest: September-November.
Hints and Tips: Instead of carving, paint a scary face on the pumpkin. They can be stored or displayed for several weeks, if undamaged. Excellent source of vitamin A.