Bright lights chard seed by Mr. Fothergill's. Eat both leaves and stems.
Perhaps the most decorative and exciting vegetable introduction of recent times.
With up to 7 different coloured stems, it is an ideal subject for the flower border. Enjoy its mild, sweet flavour when young, raw in salads or gently steamed.
Useful Information: Vitamin C; Dietary fibre;
Suitable for contained gardens; Oriental vegetables
Sow and Grow:
Outdoors: sow thinly April-July, where they are to crop, 2.5 cm (1-inch) deep, directly into finely-prepared, well-drained soil, which has already been watered. Allow 40 cm (16-inch) between rows.
Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Thin seedlings to 15 cm (6-inch) apart. Water well until plants are established. Regularly pick a few leaves and stems at a time, without stripping the plants, allowing them to continue growing.
Harvest: July-November.
Hints and Tips:
Plants usually die back through winter, but will 'come again' the following spring, to produce a further early crop before running to seed.
Care and Cultivation:
Give cloche protection from October onwards to encourage cropping into winter.