Carrot Resistafly F1 is a British-bred variety with improved resistance to carrot fly.
The medium-long, smooth Nantes type roots have superb colour, a small core and a sweet taste.
A Best Buy variety as recommended by the Gardening Press and Consumer Groups.
Sow & Grow:
Outdoors: sow thinly, March-July, where they are to crop, 1.5cm (½") deep, directly into finely-prepared, light, fertile soil, which has already been watered. Allow 30cm (1') between rows.
Early sowings may benefit cloche protection. Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Thin by harvesting young carrots evenly from the row, allowing remainder to grow on. Water well until plants are established.
Harvest: June-December.
Roots can be lifted in autumn. Remove soil and store in dry sand.
Hints & Tips:
Bred to help reduce plant disease naturally: If you want to garden organically or use less chemicals, these modern disease-resistant varieties will help.
Greatly reducing the need for chemicals, they give tasty crops from the garden.