Broccoli White Sprouting Burbank F1 is an exciting introduction as it's the first British bred F1 white sprouting broccoli. The plants are strong and vigorous, producing high yields of attractive snowy white spears.
Crops are extremely tasty and succulent throughout the spring, when other vegetable harvests are scarce.
The spears have a delicious mild flavour and crisp succulent texture
Grow in:
Allotment / Veg Patch
Raised Bed
Sow & Grow:
Sow outdoors thinly in a seed bed, 1.5cm (1/2") deep directly into finely prepared soil which has already been watered.
Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Water well until plants are established. Transplant 60cm (2') apart both ways when seedlings are about 10cm (4") tall. Plant firmly and water well.
Or sow indoors 0.5cm (1/4") deep, in a tray of compost. Water well and place in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Keep moist. Transplant 5cm (2'0 apart to other trays when large enough to handle.
Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts) before planting out.