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Mr Fothergill's Vegetable Seeds Beetroot Boltardy Bumper Pack - 550 Seeds

Mr Fothergill's Vegetable Seeds Beetroot Boltardy Bumper Pack - 550 Seeds

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Beetroot boltardy seed by Mr. Fothergill's. Ideal beet for early sowing as it does not bolt. Lift young as baby beets or leave to mature.

About this item:

  • Ideal beet for early sowing as it does not bolt
  • Lift young as baby beets or leave to mature
  • Excellent source of folate and good source of potassium
  • Harvested roots can be stored in dry sand for winter use
  • Sow: March-July and harvest: June-October

Excellent source of folate, good source of potassium and dietary fibre. Harvested roots can be stored in dry sand for winter use. Even shape with good colour, texture and flavour.


Sow thinly, March-July, where they are to crop, 2.5 cm deep, directly into finely-prepared, well-cultivated, fertile soil, which has already been watered. Allow 30 cm between rows. Seedlings usually appear in 7 to 21 days. Thin seedlings to 10 cm apart. Water well until plants are established. Regular sowings, made every three weeks, should ensure a continuous supply of young beets.

Harvest: June-October.

Hints and tips:

Do not cut the leaves, but twist them off to prevent the colour bleeding. Young leaves are also edible and can be cooked like spinach.

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