W F Duffield & Sons Lamb Creep 18 Pellets 25kg
W F Duffield & Sons Lamb Creep 18 Pellets 25kg
W L Duffield & Sons recognise the importance of quality nutrition for sheep and lambs. A ewe with twin lambs has to work as hard as a high yielding dairy cow and so careful feeding is essential. Quality Lambs are capable of achieving high growth rates and performance provided good quality lamb diets are used.
The approach to lamb feeding depends on lambing date.
Early Lambing
This system is for the the early lamb market.
Lambs are typically born in January and intensively finished on ad lib feeding. In this system lambs can achieve marketing weight at 10 to 14 weeks of age. Growth rates can exceed 400g per day. For this system we would recommend Prime Lamb Creep Pellets.
Spring Lambing
These lambs are not as intensively reared as the early lambing system and will be typically be offered a small amount of creep whilst suckling their mothers.
Prime Lamb Creep is recommended in this situation.
All Duffields lamb feeds are carefully formulated to ensure palatability and performance.
Correct minerals and ammonium chloride help to prevent urinary calculi.
A complementary feed for growing lambs & finishing lambs, introduce gradually to avoid acidosis. To be fed in conjunction with roughage & other feeds to a maximum level of 2% of bodyweight.
Clean water must be available
THIS FEED CONTAINS COPPER FROM FEED MATERIALS WITH NO ADDITIONAL COPPER. Certain breeds of sheep are susceptible to copper toxicity & advice should be sought if feeding concentrates for long periods of time or at high levels

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