Evergreen Garden Care BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer Concentrated 480ml
Evergreen Garden Care BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer Concentrated 480ml
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer is a systemic and contact insecticide for the control of Vine Weevil in pots and hanging baskets. This product works in roots and in the soil to protect the whole plant for 2 months.
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer gets rid??of vine weevil larvae in two ways:
1 ON CONTACT - with larvae in the soil.
2 SYSTEMICALLY - from within the??plant to prevent root damage.
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer also kills??whitefly, greenfly, blackfly, scale insects??and mealy bugs.
Pesticide resistance in??glasshouse whitefly and some aphids is??widespread. Where resistant pests are??present BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer??is unlikely to give control.
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer is very??easy to use - simply mix and apply.
Instructions For Use:
For use on ornamental garden plants??and houseplants.
The maximum dose must not exceed??60 ml of product per litre of water.
A maximum of 2 treatments may be??applied per year.?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Only prepare as much??BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer as you??intend to use that day
Contains 5 g/l acetamiprid as a soluble??concentrate formulation (SL).
When to Use:
Where to Use:
For control of whitefly, greenfly,??blackfly, scale insects and mealy bugs.
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer is??suitable for use all year round indoors??and from April to September outdoors.
You should use this product at the first??appearance of insects or symptoms.
If necessary re-apply after 8 weeks.
Details & Usage:
How to use
- Shake the bottle well.
- Use the measure provided to mix 60ml of BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer with 1 litre of water in a watering can or mixing vessel.
- Pour the solution over the compost at the recommended rate. A litre of solution treats 10 litres of compost. Use guide on back of pack to estimate how much solution to use.
Size of pot How much solution to use:
4 inch (10 cm) diameter 50 ml
5 inch (13 cm) diameter 100 ml
8 inch (20 cm) diameter 400 ml
14 inch (35 cm) diameter 1 litre
18 inch (45 cm) diameter 1.5 litres
Window box or trough
12 inches (30 cm) long 600 ml
4 Rinse the watering can or mixing vessel thoroughly after you have??finished with it and pour washings??over the compost around ornamental??plants in pots.
Wash hands and exposed skin after use. Do not breathe spray.
BugClear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer has been shown to be safe on most plants.It is always advisable to test a sample of plants, by treating them and leaving for at least four weeks, before treating a large or valuable collection.
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use

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