Simplicity Regent™ SLT175 Garden Tractor
Simplicity Regent™ SLT175 Garden Tractor
The new Regent SLT175™ offers the ultimate in user comfort and cutting flexibility. Our convertible CentreCut™ mowing technology offers total flexibility without stress of choice when buying your next mower. The Regent™ SLT175 tractor will be delivered by your dealer with either a side or rear discharge configuration kit already fitted. Should you need a differtent cutting configuration in the future, then you will only need a new kit instead of buying a whole new mower deck or even a new tractor.
• Durable fabricated 107 cm steel Frame Hung mower deck
• CentreCut™ mower deck
• Cruise control
• Mid-back premium seat
• Electric blade engagement
• Clock, hour and maintenance meter Turning Radius: 36cm, Width of Cut: 107cm, Transmission Type: Hydro, Front Axle: Cast Iron

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